I think we can all agree that our district SPED PDs are pretty useless. They try but never quite make it. Sometimes, they are just curriculum-driven and never really expand on best practices and the evolving world of special education.
When I went to research what PDs were out there for special education teachers I didn’t find much. So I turned to you! My followers! In this blog post, I will share 11 professional developments geared toward special educators.
Now let me preface with this, the majority of these are not free and have registration fees BUT you may be able to talk your district into covering the cost of it.
1)Learning Disabilities Association
An in-person two-day conference in sunny Flordia. Designed for special education teachers, social workers, school principals, and related service providers.
Includes workshops, seminars, exhibitions, and activities antedates can choose from. The conference prepares professionals for continued development, provides current research and best practices, and promotes advocacy for special education students.
They are also looking for presenters: https://ldacon.org/
2) Special Education Convention and Expo
You can attend in person in San Antonio, Texas, or virtually. They call themselves “The professional development event for special educators to find research, tips, and strategies you can actually apply to support students with disabilities and/or gifts and talents.”
Rates vary depending on your title, but paraeducators can attend for free! How awesome is that!?

3) Council for Exceptional Children: Division on Autism & Developmental Disabilities (DADD)
Well, if you need an excuse to go to Hawaii, this is it! With over 205 in-person and virtual sessions, you will have access to presentations on the most up-to-date research and practices. Y
ou will even have breakfast and lunch included, where you can network with other professionals in the field.
4) Council for Exceptional Children: Division for Early Childhood Inclusion = Equity Virtual Summer Institute
A five-day virtual training for Early Childhood Special Educators! This sounds like a dream! Unfortunately, this year’s event has already taken place, but I am adding it here as a reference for next year’s event.
5) Ocalicon: |The Premier Autism and Disabilities Conference
A fully virtual event to “learn, network, and share research, best practices, and resources to support the life-long needs of individuals with disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder and sensory and low-incidence disabilities.”
You can find a list of their keynote speakers here. They also post a new session to view each month from last year’s conference here.
6) Kids Included Together
“We provide dynamic online and on-site training, innovative consultations, expert policy and standards development, and empowering coaching that gives people who work with children a “want to, can do, and will do” attitude towards welcoming kids with disabilities or other complex needs.
KIT is also an authorized provider of International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) CEUs for online training to support your professional development needs.”
7) National Autism Conference
National Autism Conference takes place in State College, PA, or virtually from the comfort of your own home. Their mission; “The Autism Conference provides comprehensive, evidence-based information to assist educators, other professionals, and families in developing effective educational programming for all students with autism spectrum disorders.”
Bonus: they have childcare for PA residents! How convenient is that?!
8) Closing The Gap
Now you know I love anything assistive technology, especially AAC, so this one is my favorite! Closing the Gap is a week-long AT conference where you can deepen your understanding of AT and learn all about new technology and strategies. Also, my girl Mary Katherine will be doing a whole session on All Acess for Preschool Communication this year!
9) National Association of Special Education Teachers: Professional Development Program
There are over 100 courses, lectures, videos, and PowerPoints just for you with the PDP program. You can even use these trainings to coach the rest of your special education team!
10) LEADS: Leadership In Effective and Developmentally- Appriotae Service of VA
Leads has an amazing series of webinars and resources geared to Early Childhood Special Education providers! They also have a ton of events, both in-person and virtual, for you to attend.
11)Creating Connections to Shining Stars
ECSE teachers, this is for you! The Stars Conference “will focus on promoting and supporting the implementation of evidence-based practices in inclusive settings for infants, toddlers, and young children, both with and without disabilities.”
Now, it doesn’t look like they have released any info for their next conference in 2024, but I will be sure to update this link if they do!