Do you see a trend here? Continuing with this thought of awesome people to follow, I thought I would share some of my favorite Speducator accounts. There are a surplus of accounts out there but these are my top eight.
PreK: Engaging Early Learners

Rachel is a rock star when it comes to sped Pre-K! She is so dedicated to her little ones and doing everything to help them learn! “I love being a teacher, specifically a special education teacher because it is the most rewarding job there is! The challenge of figuring out exactly what works or each student is something that excites me. It is super rewarding to be able to help my students reach their goals and become more independent every day. Being a teacher just rocks.” There’s not many of us Sped PreK teachers out there so it’s nice to find someone I can relate to on almost every level. Rachel is also super approachable, I have gone to her with many questions and she is always willing to help out. She recently accepted a position as a 2nd grade sped teacher but don’t worry! Rachel is still keeping her TPT and Instagram focus on Pre-K. You can learn more about her on her blog and IG @engagingearlylearners.
Elementary: Where I Aut-a-Be

Sofie is another amazing sped teacher who is currently teaching 2-5. She is data-driven which is why I love her so much! Sofie is passionate about helping teachers reach all students. She loves finding ways to incorporate sensory input into the classroom, setting up students for success, and sharing her journey along the way. If you are an elementary sped teacher or just looking for some inspiration shes your girl! Check her out at http://whereiautabe.com/ or on IG @whereiautabe.
Vocational Skills: Adulting Made Easy

Ms. Fiona is the vocational skills go to. There is not a ton out there for vocational skills so Fiona took it upon herself to change that. It is her mission to provide all students with an educationally challenging, yet fun experience that develops the skills necessary to be independent adults & life-long learners! This spedcuator has TONS of tips, resources, and classroom hacks. See for yourself on her blog and IG @spedadulting
Real Talk: Sped With Bri

Bri is probably the most honest and genuine person I follow on Instagram. She shares everything from IEP tips, self-love, and advocacy for all students. Bri keeps it real, does not sugar coat things, and is not afraid to ask the hard questions. She even shares when she is having a rough day and for that commend her! Bri also advocates for self-growth and reflection. She is always providing resources to do so and has helped me learn a lot. Her positive outlook and authenticity are something I look up to. Go follow her at @spedteacherbri and her blog.
AAC and Visual Supports: Simply Visual

I thought I was obsessed with Boardmaker until I found Simply Visual. Tracy is the queen of visual supports. Everything she creates is magical and she makes it all; task boxes, classroom decor, academic materials, and behavioral support. “I use a lot of visuals to help students understand but at the same time, I keep everything simple so it’s not distracting. Hence the name Simply Visual. I also believe in providing as many hands-on activities as possible for my students and understanding each student’s individual needs. I also firmly believe in structure and consistency in the classroom.” If you work with AAC users or visual learners I highly recommend following her on Instagram @simply_visual_tpt.
Podcast: That Special Educator

Brelan is K-2 Special Education Teacher with a passion for providing fun and engaging lessons for her students. For Braelan, the key to a successful classroom is the collaboration between all of the staff members. Besides teaching, Braelan enjoys making Youtube videos and Podcasts for educators to learn more about classroom management, organization, and staff collaboration. I was in the need for a SPED specific podcast that was different from the rest and more importantly relatable! I feel like so many of the ones out there are just pushing products or just talk about the same topics. However, Braelan is not that. Braelan’s podcast That Special Educator is very charismatic, pure, and informative. When I listen to it I feel like I am just chatting with one of my friends, yes I talk to myself when I listen. No shame. Just go subscribe you won’t regret it.Bonus:Brelan is working with Haley from @organized_speducator (who you should also follow) to create a curriculum unit on understanding race, privilege, & diversity in modern America! Go follow Brelan on Instagram at @thatspecialeducator, her blog, and youtube channel!
OT: OT Plan

Next up Avital from the OT Plan. This hardworking mama embodies everything OT. Not only does Avital create sensory dough and OT boxes for you to use, but she also shares OT tips that can be applied to school, clinic, and home settings. She knows how to get those little fingers moving in a fun and engaging way. What I love best about the @OTPlan is that she breaks down activities by specific skills and even materials. Avital also shares creative sensory integration strategies for those tactile seeking friends. Discover more about Avital on her website and IG @otplan.
SLP: Mrs. Speech IEP

If you ever watch my IG stories you’ve seen me repost Andi almost on a weekly basis. That’s because this SLP guru is constantly sharing tips to improve communication for students. She doesn’t just cater to other SLP and sped teachers but also parents. If you, a parent, para, or even find yourself struggling with communication skills send them her way; http://www.mrsspeechiep.com/ and IG @mrsspeechiep.