Not every student does well with wearing a mask. Heck, I don’t even like it. They can be scratchy, hard to breathe, and pull on your ears. Unfortunately wearing a mask in public spaces is our new norm. So what does this mean for our sensory kiddos with school right around the corner? Some districts are making exceptions others are not. If you find yourself in a situation where your student or child has to wear a mask to school or even in public here are some suggestions. Note; I am not taking credit for these ideas I just complied them for you
The Bandana
Using a cloth bandanna covers more surface area but is also a more relaxed mask option. The fabric is not necessarily tugging on the child’s ears or head. They are inexpensive and super easy to find. Micheals carries a ton of different colors and patterns. Bonus: no sewing just folding. Check out this video on how to fold a bandana into a face mask.
Bandana With Ear Loops
This one came recommended by a former student parent of mine. They purchased it because they make adult and children sizes. This creates consistency between parents and children and makes the child feel more secure. She said it is “breathable, easy to keep on when not wearing. Cons are they don’t bounce back to normal in the dryer if you have an extreme chew.” Also, check out Spiderman! They tested out their mask on him. This is a great idea for getting kiddos more comfortable with the thought of wearing a mask. Just look at those cuties!

Neck Gaitor

Neck gaiters are very similar to the bandanna. They cover a large surface area but are not skin tight. They slip over the head so no ear pulling. Now, this is wrap-around piece so some of our friends may feel a little claustrophobic in it. Do not use it if you think this sounds like your student. These can be purchased on
Wrap Around Straps

Masks with wrap around straps get rid of the ear tug, Some models come with Velcro or button adjusting ear savers. This style allows the mask to be worn off or on the ears. The design allows for more circulation of air. This listing HERE even comes with a social story about wearing a mask! You can find more of this style from Austim- Products
Clear Masks

Masks with clear windows make wearing a mask less scary for both students and adults. Clear masks generally have tie or wrap around straps taking the pressure off the ears. They also allow for a clear view of facial expression and social cues. Rafi Nova makes amazing adult and adolescent size options. For child-sized masks click HERE.
The Hat Trick

This has to be one of my favorites. I have so many kiddos that like wearing hats. Sometimes it is even a reward. This trick, created by My Minds, combines a standard mask with a hat. Simply sew some buttons onto the hat and tada! Now, before you try this one at school please make sure hats are allowed to be worn or that you can get an exemption.
Mask Bracket

A mask bracket is a small mask insert that creates more room within the mask. It essentially lifts the mask fabric off of one’s face and providing more comfort. Mask brackets provide a more “breathable” feel and are not as claustrophobic as a mask without one. They are super cheap and can easily be found on Amazon.
Ear Savers

This is another great Amazon find! Ear savers are essentially mask string extenders. Ear savers loop on to each mask string extending the string and taking the pressure off your ears. You can wear ear savers under or around your ears. If you have a few buttons laying around at home you can even DIY by sewing buttons onto a headband like in the video below.
Face Sheild

Face shields take all materials of one’s face and into a headband. It allows for a clear view of one’s entire face while protecting them from the outside elements. This is a great option for students that rely on social face cues for communication as well, Face shields are not as effective as masks. However they are are a good alternative for our sensory-friendly friends. You can even find child theme ones that make wearing a face shield more fun!