We have been reading the classic tale of the Gingerbread Man for the past few weeks. This is one of my favorites (and not just because we get to bake gingerbread cookies). This story allows us to work on so many skills. It is a versatile and age-appropriate text.
What makes the Gingerbread Man so great?

- Repetitive Text
- The repetitive text is a major win for our class. Many of my students need constant repetition to learn vocabulary. By naturally repeating the story’s text, I allow for constant reinforcement. In turn, this helps students learn the vocabulary efficiently so they can apply it to other skills. I like using a Big Mac or voice recording button for the repetitive phrases.
- Different Versions
- The tale of the Gingerbread Man is a classic. However, there are lots of different versions. The main plot continues as usual, but the characters differ in each adaption. These assorted versions allow us to increase vocabulary and work on higher-level thinking skills like compare and contrast.
- Action Packed
- The fable of the Gingerbread Man is an action packed book. There is jumping, running, swimming, and much more. These actions are a great opportunity to work on gross motor skills, following directions, and turn taking.
- Baking
- This is without a doubt a given. We bake every Friday so whenever we read this story we always make gingerbread cookies and gingerbread houses. Check out our Friday baking post to learn the importance of this weekly activity.
In addition to the items listed above, we have also incorporated the Gingerbread Man into our academics. We have been hard at work counting, matching, sorting and practicing our AAC skills. Check out the TPT store for all of our Gingerbread Man Resources
My Favorite Gingerbead Resources

Gingerbread Sensory: Clearly I love this unit so much that I made two sensory bins! The first one I dyed rice brown and for some extra fun mixed in some cinnamon. I added some foam ginger people and a quick vocab matching set that I repurposed from out file folders linked HERE. My students loved this bin especially with the extra scented fun.
Bin two I used these magic art puffs I had lying around and put in our gingerbread emotion matching game.
Gingerbead Books: Of course, we had to include some adapted books! I love adapted books because you can use them 1:1, independent workstations, during the whole group, and during small groups! Students can take turn matching the interactive pieces.
I also love including an AAC component into our reading, like using a Big Mac. I record the repetitive phrase “Run, run as fast as you can,” and students each get a chance to push it!
File Folders: I can’t do a unit and not do file folders. To me file folders are such an easy way to practice skills but also keep the task itself organized. I love using these during morning bins and rotation stations.
Gingerbread House: This is the best resource ever ( I also have the snowman, jack-o-lantern, and Christmas tree). My students LOVE building their own Gingerbead house. I pair it with some AAC and stick in our dramatic play center. I apologize in advance if this link says they are out of stock. They only restock a few times, and they sell out fast. I recommend looking around Thanksgiving for a restock and purchasing then.