If you are looking for a simple and effective wait to communicate with parents than the Remind app is for you. Remind is completely free and 100% effective. It allows you to connect with parents/guardians from your phone without giving out your phone number.
To start create an account either online or download the app to register. You can create a class name and invite members via email or phone number.
Remind has a couple different ways of communicating with guardian’s. First there is the standard message. This essentially works just like text messages except you do not need to give out your phone number. You can attach links, pictures, or just simply text. With Remind, you can also do announcements. This feature is my favorite! It allows you to send out reminders to induvial or the whole group. It also shows you who received it and who opened it. No more parents playing the whole “Oh I didn’t know” card!
The thing I like best about this is it sends a notification directly to the member’s phone. Not everyone checks their email but lets face it, everyone checks their messages. If you’re like me, sometimes you will forget to send home a reminder about something like picture day or pajama day. This is when Remind comes in handy! Do I need to mention it is free!?