You got the email “new student.” Panic ensues. Sound familiar? Getting a new student can be nerve wracking. You have to prep the rest of the class and all of the materials or even find the time to do. In this blog post I will explain how I calm my new student anxiety so hopefully you can too!

New Student Checklist

Okay this right here is the golden ticket and time saver. This is what rescues me each time. Keeping a list of everything I need to prep for a new student. I have EVERYTHING down to the number of labels I need. As I complete each item I just check it off the list and repeat until the list is done! I like to put this in a plastic sleeve to reuse over and over again (because lets be real more kids are coming). You can grab this template in my Free Resource Library

Welcome Packet

The main thing that helps be stay sane is being proactive. This means prepping things before you even get the call a new student is on their way. At the beginning of the year each student gets a welcome packet. This includes everything they will need to know. I make multiple copies of these so I can just pull it and be on my way. What’s in my welcome packet

Other Prep

On top of having my welcome packet prepped, I make sure my supply inventory is always stocked. This means malign sure I have enough supplies and yes even furniture. I ALWAYS make sure I have two extra chairs because we all know when the time comes to locate one there is none to be found.

I also have to prep my new student entering our classroom and my current students for their new classmate. I do this through the use of social stories. I have a New School/Classroom Social Story and a New Classmate Social Story. I keep these printed with the names and picture spot blank. That way when the student comes I can just add it the book. When we are done using it I erase their name and remove the picture for when we need it the next time.

Now you should be all set to start prepping for your new students! If you have any questions send me an email at or send me a DM on Instagram @thealternativewaytoperk