Mini Course

Welcome to the mindset of an educator Mini Course

Introducing the Mindset of an Educator Mini-Course! This self-paced digital course is designed for busy teachers of any grade or subject.

This transformative course will teach you how to redefine how you look at teaching, adopt a healthy and realistic mindset, and combat teacher burnout.

Ready to make a change?

does this sound familiar?


Feeling like you have lost control over your classroom


Getting lost trying to do all the things and be perfect!


Overwhelmed & looking for PD targeted toward teacher mental health + mindset.

“This course saved me so much time and money!”

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But you know what?

I’ve been in your shoes.. and there is a better way!

When I started teaching, I was so overwhelmed and had no idea how to manage my stress. Over the years, I learned there were things I could change to decrease my anxiety. One of those things was adjusting my mindset. I created the Mindset Mini-course to share what exactly this successful mind-shift was so that you, too, can teach stress-free.


The Educator Mindset mini-course

This self-paced course is for veteran and new teachers looking to grow and perfect their craft. Teaching is HARD. Whether you’re entering your first year or 30th year, we all have room to grow.

lesson one

mindset cycles

Explore the three mindsets we cycle through as providers and how they affect our teaching.

lesson Two

hope framework

Discover the HOPE Framework and develop skills to preserve your mental health, enter your realistic mindset, and shift your thinking to become a more effective provider.

lesson Three


Develop a healthy relationship with control by accepting the things you can and can not control.??

lesson Four

real-life application

Learn the four most common mindset obstacles providers face and how to overcome them by applying the HOPE Framework.

lesson Five

validation and permission

Discover how emotional validation and permission empower us to navigate the winds of change gracefully.


Valued at $67
Mindset Mini Course
  • Instant access to the complete self-paced course
  • coordinating Mindset workbook