Our touch and feel wall is made simply of dollar store frames and distinct textures (soft, bumpy, scratchy). You can also see our sensory floor tiles and tetter popper board.

Sensory integration is beneficial for all students and children regardless of their age or ability. Engaging our senses allows our brain to organize itself and provide a foundation for complex learning. There are numerous studies backing sensory integration. That is why we emphasis it across all aspects of our day.

Engaging our senses to help self regulate happens in many different ways. It can be as simple as manipulating a fidget/chewy or doing wall push ups followed by trampoline jumps. It can be applied to one student specifically or the class as a whole.

In our classroom we use various sensory integration strategies and assorted tools. Tactile, vestibular, oral, and visual input. We engage at least.two senses into every activity/lesson. They usually includes movement and music.

Student’s also have the opportunity to engage in their own sensory integration. We have an amazing sensory corner that is always open for our kiddos.

Here you can see our trampoline, steam roller, wobble chair, egg chair. Not pictured is our rocking chair and scoop chair.

Sensory Overload

Sometimes our senses are engaged too much and we become overwhelmed. Keeping a calm, clean, and organized classroom/environment helps ensure students can preform to their best of their abilities. We keep the volume low, the decor minimal, and sometimes we even learn with the lights off! If you have been in any school building you know these bright florescent lights can laser right through you. To help aleveate these penetrating beams try using light covers.

Engaging and incorporating your senses into the classroom or daily life does not have to be complicated. Just be creative! You will be surprised what you can come up with!