One of the top priorities is our student’s safety. Many classrooms are not built with younger students in mind, let alone ones with a knack for getting into everything. We must ensure that any harmful substances or choking hazards are out of reach, students can navigate their school environment without injury, and everyone goes home in one piece.

Here are my top 5 Classroom safety tips.

1) If it opens – put a lock on it. Anything that opens to a cabinet or drawer containing something hazardous or that you do not want getting accessed, put a lock on it.

2) When setting up your classroom layout, do not put high-trafficked centers or calming corners near exits, especially exterior doors. You are just asking for your students to exit the room.

3) Avoid keeping things on top of shelves that can easily be pulled down and hit a child.

4) Make sure exits and entrances

5) If your playground gates do not lock and you are not allowed to put a lock on them, use a bungee cord to loop it shut and deter students from exiting. You will need to run this one by your school admin.